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Showing posts from September, 2018

Ukadiche Modak

  #रेणूरसोई  #मोदक #उकडीचे  उकडीचे मोदक  विघ्नहर्ता श्री गणेश हे आपल्या सगळ्यांचेच आवडते दैवत 🙏🏻 बुद्धी ची देवता, सुखकर्ता, दुःखहर्ता अशा या गणरायाला अतिशय प्रिय असणारा प्रसाद म्हणजे मोदक... घरोघरी होणारे मोदक हे तितकाच आनंद देतात व वेगवेगळ्या चवीचे, आकाराचे असतात... आज बघु या उकडीचे मोदक... साहित्य... 1 वाटी... 150 मिली. *तांदूळ पिठी... 1 वाटी  *पाणी... 1 वाटी  *मीठ... 1/4 टिस्पून  *तुप... 1 टिस्पून  *ओले खोबरे किसून... 1 वाटी गच्च भरून  *गुळ चिरून... 1/2 वाटी  *वेलदोडे पूड... 1/4 टिस्पून (ऐच्छिक) कृती... *एक वाटी गच्च भरून ओल्या खोबऱ्याचा कीस व अर्धी वाटी गूळ हे मिश्रण एका जाड बुडाच्या कढईत घालून छान एकत्र करावे. मध्यम आचेवर गॅसवर गुळ विरघळेपर्यंत शिजवून घ्यावे.  आवडत असल्यास वेलदोडा पुड घालावी. *एक वाटी पाणी ,चिमूटभर मीठ व एक टीस्पून तूप एका जाड बुडाच्या कढईत किंवा भांड्यात उकळायला ठेवावे . *उकळी आल्यावर गॅस बंद करून ,एक वाटी तांदूळ पीठ घालावे छान एकत्र करावे .पुन्हा गॅस चालू करून त्यावर झाकण दोन मिनिटं वाफ द्यावी.  *गॅस बंद करून, दहा ते पंधरा मिनिटे तसेच राहू द्यावे ‌. * नंतर उकड

Gujrati Gota Bhajiya

#RenuRasoi Gujarati Gote Gote in gujrati means Pakoda made of Methi or Coriander or Masala Gota. This is a typical snacks /Farsan dish from Gujarat and loved by one and all in Gujarat. Very tasty and flavorful snacks or bhajiya. It is a Nice combination of spices as well as a sweet flavour of  sugar. Ingredients... *Course chickpea flour one cup 1 Cup...200 ml *Black peppercorns 8 to 10 *Coriander seeds one teaspoon *Red chilli powder one and half teaspoon *Sugar one teaspoon or 2 teaspoon As per your desire, optional *Salt  1Tsp *Lemon juice one teaspoon *Milk 1 Cup  You can use water if you don't wish to use milk *Chop green chillies half teaspoon *Finely chopped coriander one tablespoon Soda bicarbonate 1 pinch *Garam Masala 1/4 TSP Method *Dry roasted chickpea flour on low flame for 3 minutes *Crush roughly black pepper n coriander seeds. *Mix all the ingredients except oil *Let it rest for 30 minutes *Heat the oil in a pan *Add 2 teaspoon oil in the

Soft Dosa

#रेणूरसोई #झटपट #दोसा सकाळच्या घाईच्या वेळेत, स्वयंपाक व नाश्ता हे दोन्ही आटपून 9 वाजता ऑफिससाठी घराबाहेर पडणे म्हणजे तारेवरची कसरत😊. त्यात माझा दिवसाची सुरुवात होणारा नाश्ता हा पोषक असावा ह्या गोष्टीवर भर असतो. मग अशावेळेस खुप युक्ती लढवाव्या लागतात. आज त्यातीलच एक चवदार प्रकार... खमंग दोसा...बिना चटणीचा तरी चवदार... लोखंडी तवा वापरून हि पटकन होणारा... झटपट दोसा... साहित्य... जाड तांदुळ..3 वाटी उडीद डाळ...1 वाटी मेथीदाणा...1 tsp मीठ.... 3.5 tsp जाड पण तिखट हिरवी मिरची ..4,5 खोबरेल तेल...1/2 वाटी कृती.... तांदुळ, डाळ स्वछ धुवून व मेथीदाणे घालुन 4..5 तास भिजवा. मिक्सर मध्ये बारीक वाटून घ्या, फार पातळ वाटु नका. रात्रभर आंबवुन घ्या. सकाळी त्यात मीठ घालून, मिक्स करा, गरज वाटली तर 1 वाटी पाणी घालून पातळ करा. गॅसवर स्वच्छ घासलेला लोखंडी तवा 5 मिनिटे तापवत ठेवा. गॅस कमी करून , त्यावर 2 tsp तेल पसरवून अजून 3 मिनिटे तापवा. आपला तवा दोसे करायला सिद्ध झाला. तवा मंद गॅसवर करा, 2..3 थेंब तेल घालून पसरवा, 2 मोठे चमचे भरून पीठ घाला, झटपट गोल पसरवा. खुप पातळ नको, जाडसर ठेवा.

Ivygourd Stirfry

#RenuRasoi #Ivygourd Veg #Tondlebhaji We prepare this veg specially in summer. A typical Veg preparation made in Maharashtra. It goes very well with Roti or Dal Rice... Ingrediants. .. •Tender Ivygourd... 500 gms •Onions... 2 •Grated Ginger ... 1 tsp. •Oil  ... 6 tb sp. . •Poppy Seeds ...2 tsp. •Mustard n Cumin seeds..1/2 tsp each •Coriander Seeds Powder ...2 tsp. •Turmeric Powder ...1/2 tsp. •Red Chilly Powder... 1 tsp. •Salt ...1 tsp.  •Sugar ....1 tsp. •Kpra  Brand Goda Masala... 1 tsp. •You can avoid this if not available. •Grated coconut..  2 tb sp Method. .. •Cut Ivygourd n Onions lengthwise... •Heat oil in the Iron Skillet/ kadhai. •Add 1/2 tsp each Mustard & Cuminn seeds. ..when it splutters add  Poppy Seeds, Turmeric Powder...Grated Ginger n  Onions... •Saute for 3mts..add Red Chilly Powder. . Coriander seeds Powder .. .grated Coconut. ..mix well... •Add Kpra goda masala. . Salt.. Sugar..n Ivygourd.. . •Mix well and saute for 5 mts... •Cover w

Lemony Garlicky French Beans

#RenuRasoi #LemonyGarlickyFrenchBeans French Beans when done this way, are very tangy to eat. Mild flavours of Lemon zest n Garlic makes it very tangy. A nice side dish in your meals. Dal Rice n this veg makes it a complete meal. I like to eat one plate as it is... Ingredients... •250 gms French Beans. •Lemon zest grated 1 tsp... •Garlic finely chopped 1tsp.. •Chilly Flakes 1 tsp... •Salt 1 tsp.... •Seasame  seeds 2 tsp.... •Oil 1/2 tbspn... Method... •Wash n cut the french beans from the two ends... •Add 1 cup water in a pan... add 1/2 tsp Salt n French Beans...let it cook open till they are semi - soft...keep it aside... •Heat 1/2 tbspn oil in a pan ...add Seasame seeds n Garlic...saute... •Add par boiled French Beans.....saute...add Chilly Flakes n 1/2 tsp Salt...saute for 4..5 mts... •Switch off the gas. Done. Serve by adding Grated Lemon Zest... Enjoyy... #रेणूरसोई लसुणी फ्रेंच बीन्स फ्रेंच बीन्स किंवा श्रावणघेवडा / फरसबिन्स ह्या भाजीला फारशी स्वतःची चव नस

Potato Peanut Veg

RenuRasoi Potato Peanut Veg Potato a versatile veg is loved by people from all the ages. We can prepare so many varieties from the Potatoes. This Potato Peanut combo not only tastes Yummy but is a good combination of energy and proteins too. Ingredients... •Boiled Potatoes...250 grams •Peanuts...1/4 th cup •Oil...1 tbspn •Mustard seeds...1/4 tsp •Cumin seeds...1 pinch •Asafoetida Powder...1 pinch •Dry Red Chillies ..2 •Curry Leaves..7 •Salt 1/2 tsp •Turmeric Powder...1/4 tsp •Lemon juice..1 tsp Method... •Peel n dice the Boiled Potatoes. •Heat Oil in a Iron skillet...deep fry Peanut's till crispy on low flame. Care should be taken not to overcook them. •Keep them aside. Brake the Red chillies. •Add Mustard n Cumin seeds, after they splutter add Asafoetida Powder, Turmeric Powder n Red broken Chillies. •Saute on low flame just for 30 seconds, add Curry Leaves n diced Potatoes. •Saute on medium flame for 4 minutes. •Add Salt n Lemon Juice, mix properly and c

Brinjal Phodi

#RenuRasoi Brinjal Phodi Brinjal, Eggplant and Aubergine are the different names of one vegetable. We can prepare stuffed Brinjals, Bharta, Baked dish, Phodi etc. This is a very crispy n yummmy side dish. It can be a starter too... Ingredients... •Brinjal Green Variety...250 gram •Approximately 2 Big. •Red Chilly Powder...2 tsp •Salt...1/2 tsp •Turmeric Powder...1/4 tsp •Asafoetida Powder ...1/4 tsp For Coating... •Rice Flour...1tbspn •Semolina...3 tbsp  •Salt..1/4 tsp •Turmeric Powder a pinch. •Coconut Oil for shallow frying. Method.. •Mix all the ingredients of outer coating. •Slice the Brinjals in round shape, in not so thin or thick slices. •Mix Red Chilly Powder, Salt, Turmeric Powder n Asafoetida Powder. •Apply this Red Chilly Powder mix generously to all the Brinjals slices with hand on both the sides. •Let it marinate aside atleast for 20 ..30 minutes. •Now apply Rice Flour mix to all the slices from both the sides. •Once again keep aside for 30 minut

Stuffed Chillies

#RenuRasoi #StuffedMirchi Bharva Mirachi This is the excellent side dish ....or Accompaniment in our meals. Can be stored in Refrigerator for 2..3 days. Ingredients.... •Big Green Mirachi /Chillies 250 grams •Chickpea flour 1/2 Cup •Turmeric Powder 1/4 tsp •Asafietida Powder 1/4 tsp  •Salt 1/2 tsp  •Red Chilly Powder 1tsp •Lemon juice 3 tsp •Sugar 1 tsp •Nigella seeds1/4 tsp •Ani seeds 1/4 tsp •Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp •Oil 2 tbspn for roasting Chickpea flour. For frying... 4 tbspn Method.... •Dry roast Chickpea flour on low flame till aroma releases •Keep it aside •Heat 2 tbspn Oil in a pan...add Cumin seeds, Ani seeds n Nigella seeds...add Turmeric n Asafoetida Powder •Add Red ChillyPowder n roasted Chickpea flour... •Saute for 2..3 mts...add Salt, Sugar n Lemon Juice  •Switch off the gas...mix all properly...let it cool... •Wash n slit the Green Chillies keeping two ends intact •Stuff the above masala mix in the Chillies carefully but firmly. •Heat 4 tbspn Oil

Puff Balls

#RenuRasoi #Jawar #Dhan/Rice Puff Balls Jawar Puffs n Rice Puffs are healthy to eat. We can eat it with milk, or make Roasted Crispy. Today prepared a Yummy n Tasty snack item, using these two puffs. Ingredients... •Rice puff powdered dry...1 Cup •Jawar Puff powdered dry..1 Cup •Boiled n Mashed Potatoes..1 Cup •Roasted n powdered Peanuts..1 tbspn •Chopped Coriander..1 tbspn •Green Chillies n Ginger paste..2 tsp •Lemon juice..2 tsp •Sugar ..1/4 tsp •Salt ...3/4 tsp •Jira..1/4 tsp. •Oil...for shall frying Method... •Mix all the ingredients except oil. •It should not be too dry or too moist. •Add Mashed Potatoes if dry or Puff powdered if Moist. •Make a Lemon size balls. •Shallow fry 2 at a time,in a pan using very little oil, till crispy. Done. Serve hot with any Ketchup or Green Chutney of your choice. लाही बॉल्स रेणूरसोई आपल्या आहारात ज्वारी व धानाच्या लाह्या असल्या पाहिजेत. पण त्या दुधा सोबत व लाही पीठ असेच खाता येतात. आज त्याला जगमित्र बटाटे व इतर मस

Semolina Coconut Ladoo

#RenuRasoi #Semolina Coconut Laddu These sweet Laddu with a flavour of Coconut are very Delicious n loved by one and all. Easy to prepare... Yuummmm to eat.. Ingredients... •Semolina 1.5 Cups 1 Cup...200 ml. •Fresh / Dessicated Coconut 1 Cup •Sugar 1.5 Cup •Water 1 Cup •Pure Ghee/Clarified Butter.. 4 tablespoon...liquid form •Green Cardamom Powder 1 tsp •Cashews..12 Method... •Dry Roast Semolina for 2..3 mts on low flame. •Add Ghee n roast on low flame till golden in colour. •Add grated Coconut, roast just for two minutes. •Keep this pan aside. •Now take another pan, add Sugar n water. •Keep on medium flame, keep stirring. •Let it boil, after 4..5 minutes of Boling switch off the gas. •Pour this Sugar syrup in roasted Semolina n Coconut mixture, mix properly. •Keep it covered, let Semolina absorb all the Sugar syrup. •Generally after 3 hours, it will be ready to roll into Laddos. But do keep checking occasionally. •Add Green Cardamom Powder n Cashews. •Roll in


#Dhokla #Quick  #Healthy #Yummy #RenuRasoi Dhokla is a snack item not only favourite of Gujarat, but throughout India. Here is a quick version to satisfy your taste buds as well as to welcome your guests. Ingrediants. .. •Besan /Chickpea flour 1 Cup 1 Cup...200 ml *Semolina...1 tablespoon... Optional •Citric  Acid Crystals....1/2 tsp.  I have used Eagle Brand  . •Sugar  ...2 tsp •Salt ..1/2 tsp •Oil 2 tsp •Eno/Fruit Salt 1/2 tsp •Water. ...1 Cup   For Tempering... •Oil 1 tbspn •Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp •Asafoetida Powder...a big pinch •Green Chillies ...6 •Grated Coconut and Coriander for Garnish Method... •Mix Chickpea flour/Besan, Semolina ... Citric Acid Crystals.... Sugar..n Salt properly. •Slowly by adding water prepare the batter....add 2 tsp Oil... Mix. •Preheat the big pan with a water on the  gas. •Take another pan preferably Aluminium one, and 6" diameter. •Grease it with Oil on all sides and bottom. •Now in  the  Dhokla batter add Eno/ Fruit Sal

Cilantro Chutney

#RenuRasoi #Coriander #Cilantro #Chutney Chutney  tastes yummy and keeps us healthy too. Green Coriander is one of the super food. We use Coriander to Garnish our food preparations. It not only enhances the beauty of the food, but it enhances our beauty too. Green Coriander Chutney Ingredients.... •Washed n Chopped Coriander 2 cups  •Green Chillies 5 •Tamarind Pulp 1 tbspn •Jaggery 1/2 tbspn •Salt 3/4 tsp Method.... Grind all together in a mixi to the fine paste, adjust the taste as per your requirement. Goes well with Dal Rice, Roti, Dosa, Idli or Sandwich.... Enjoyy.... कोथिंबीर चटणी भरपुर ताज्या कोथिंबीर ची हि चटणी आपल्या जेवणाची लज्जत नक्की वाढवेल... साहित्य... •कोथिंबीर स्वछ धुवुन व चिरून 2 वाटी •हिरवी मिरची 5  किंवा आवडीनुसार •चिंच कोळ 1 tbspn •गुळ 1/2 tbspn •मीठ 3/4 tsp कृती... •सगळे साहित्य एकत्र करून मिक्सर मध्ये चटणी वाटून घ्या. •आपल्या रोजच्या जेवणात, पराठे, दोसा, इडली, सँडविच कशासोबतही मस्त लागते •फ्रिज मध्ये 2,3 दिवस चांगली राहते.

Green Pea Upma

#Renu'sRasoi #Healthyfood #Tasty #Veg #Green Pea Upma Ingredients... •Semolina/Sooji 1 cup 1 Cup...150 ml •Oil 5 tbspn •Green Pea 1 cup •Carrot chopped 1/2 Cup •Onion Chopped 1 Cup •Split Black Gram 2 tsp •Mustard n Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp •Grated Ginger 1.5 tsp •Dry Red Chillies 4 •Salt 1 tsp •Curry Leaves 12 •Water 3 Cups Method... •Dry roast Semolina in 2 tsp oil. •Heat Oil in a pan, add Mustard n Cumin seeds. •After it splutters add split Black Gram, let it roast till pink in colour. •Add Dry Red Chillies, Curry Leaves n Grated Ginger., Saute. •Add Chopped Onions n Carrots. •Saute till soft, add Green Peas. •Add water, let it boil. •Add Roasted Semolina n Salt. •Mix carefully without forming lumps. •Cover with the lid for 3..4 minutes. Done. Serve hot with a garnish of Coriander n Coconut. Enjoyy... Note... 1) While serving add lemon juice. 2) You can add a teaspoon of liquid home made ghee, on each plate. 3) You can cook in pure ghee instead of Oil

Homemade Ghee / Clarified Butter

#RenuRasoi #Homemade #Butter Homemade Clarified Butter / Ghee Home-made Ghee is in one of the purest form, and super tasty medicine for us. If consumed everyday in moderate form, it will helps us to remain healthy. In India we have a tradition to prepare Ghee at home. •If you are using everyday 1 litre Full Fat Milk.  •After heating it, keep it in Refrigerator atleast fir 6..7 hours. •This helps to set the Creamy Layer or Malai. •Before reheating the milk , take all the Malai in another pan. •Add 1 tbspn homemade Curd in it, mix properly. *Store this malai curd in refrigerator. •Repeat this process for 10 days. •On the 10 th day, take all the Malai Curd in a big pan. •Keep this pan out if Refrigerator for 5..6 hours. •Add 2 cups water to it, with the help of churner chrun it, continuously. 1 Cup is 150 ml. •Within 5 minutes, you will get Butter n Buttermilk seperately. •Collect all the Butter in a heavy based pan, take care to remove all the Buttermilk from it , you ca

Teasel Gourd Stirfry

#RenuRasoi #TeaselGourd #Kantola This vegetable is available in Mansoon only. Teasel Gourd is also known as Kartule, kantole etc. It tastes like Bittergourd n very tasty too. It has medicinal value also. Ingredients.. •Teasel Gourd 250 gms. •Oil 3 tbspn •Mustard n Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp each •Turmeric Powder 1/4 tsp •Red Chilly Powder 1 tsp •Salt 1/2 tsp •Chickpea flour 2 tsp. •Asafoetida Powder ...big pinch Method... •Wash n thinly sliced the Teasel Gourd. •Heat Oil in Iron kadhai or pan, add Mustard n Cumin seeds. •After it splutters add Asafoetida Powder n Turmeric Powder,  add sliced Teasel Gourd. •Saute on medium flame till crispy. •Add Red Chilly Powder n Salt. •Also add Chickpea flour. •Mix well n cook for 2..3 mts. Done. Goes well with Dal Rice or Roti. Enjoyy.. कर्टुले भाजी पावसाळ्यात मिळणारी हि भाजी चविष्ट तर लागतेच, पण औषधी पण आहे. कुरकुरीत भाजी सर्वानाच आवडते. साहित्य... कर्टुले...250 ग्राम तेल 3 tbspn  तिखट 1 tsp मीठ 1/2 tsp मोहरी व जिरे प्

Stuffed Bittergourd

#RenuRasoi #Tasty #Healthy #Veg #StuffedKarela /Bittergourd  #BharvaKarela/Bittergourd Stuffed or Bharavan Karela is one of the favourite Veg in many houses. But this Recipe is different than what we used to do.We used to Blanch slitted Karela...remove the seeds n pulp ...then stuff the masala. So all the nutrients get dissolved... This recipe I have learnt from my friend in Punjab where no seeds are being removed. To make it Protein rich I have added roasted peanuts powder & Coconut. Ingredients.... •Karela / Bittergourd Palm size but tender... 250 gms  •Onions finely chopped...2 • Green Chillies chopped...3 •Grated Ginger ... 1/2 tsp •Grated Kairi /Raw Mango...1/4 cup •Or Aamchur /Dried Raw Mango Powder 1 tsp  •Chopped Coriander...2 tbsp  •Grated Coconut... 2 tbsp  •Roasted peanut powder... 2 tbsp •Coriander seeds powder... 1 tbsp  •Red Chilly Powder ....1 tsp •Salt ....1 tsp •Turmeric  Powder...1/2 tsp •Cummin seeds powder.... 1/2 tsp  •Oil ... 4 tbspn • S

Homemade Curd

#RenuRasoi #Curd #Homemade Homemade Curd taste is different than what we bought from store. It tastes yummy n good for health too. A rich source of Healthy Vitamins to increase your immune system. Ingredients... •Milk ... 1/2 litre  •Sour curd beaten 1 tsp Method... •Take a milk in a pan ,  boil it for 5 minutes on low flame. Let the milk become  lukewarm. If you are able to hold your finger in the milk for 10 seconds. It's a perfect temperature for making Curd. Pour this milk in a pan in which you wish to set the curd. •Mix Sour curd in it, stir it for atleast 30..40 times. •Keep the container in warm place. •Check it after 4 hours. •It will get perfectly set within 4..5 hrs. •If set, store in Refrigerator. Use as you like. In Winter set the curd by keeping the pot in a container having warm water, it will set quickly. दही घरचे घट्ट दही चवीला, अप्रतिम तर लागतेच, आणि ते अनेक जीवनसत्वांचा खजिना पण आहे. आपल्या आहारात रोज ताजे दही व त्याचे पदार्थ असणे आवश्यक आहे. सा

Idiappam Upma

#RenuRasoi #Idiappam #Upma After preparing Idiappam, few of them were yet to finish. Next day morning it turned out into a Yummy Upma... Ingredients... Brake the Idiappam into 2..3 long inch pieces Sev. •Idiappam Sev...3 Cups •Grated Coconut...1 Cup •Udad Dal...2 tsp •Roasted Chana Dal ...2 tsp •Oil... 1 tbspn •Green Chilly...1 piece broken into 3 parts •Curry Leaves...8 •Mustard n Cumin seeds... 1/4 tsp •Salt ...a pinch •Lemon juice...1 tsp •Pomegranate Seeds ... for Garnish Method.... •Heat Oil in a pan, add Mustard n Cumin seeds, after it splutters add Udad n Chana Dal. •Let it be Pink in colour. •Add Green Chillies n Curry Leaves. •Add Idiappam Sev, a pinch of Salt. •Mix with lighter hands. •Add Grated Coconut n Lemon juice. •Mix properly.. Serve hot with a garnish of Pomegranate Seeds. Enjoyy... For the Recipe of Idiappam please see the following link...

Potato Song

#RenuRasoi #Potato  #Song This is very simple but Tangy veg preperation of Tomato n Potato.Goes very well with Rice, Roti, Idiappam, Bread... Ingredients... •Boiled Potatoes  medium-sized 3 •Onion chopped 1 Cup •Tomatoes Big 2... Chopped •Oil 2 tbspn •Coriander Seeds Powder 2 tsp •Red Chilly Powder 1 tsp •Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder 1.5 tsp •Salt...1 tsp •Mustard, Cumin n Fenugreek seeds 1/4 tsp each •Water 3 Cups Method... •Dice the Potatoes. •Heat the Oil in a pan. •Add Mustard, Cumin n Fenugreek seeds , after it splutters add Chopped Onions n both Red Chilly Powder. •Saute till Onion becomes soft. •Add Chopped Tomatoes n cook till mushy. •Add Coriander seeds Powder, Salt n Potatoes. •Saute for 3 minutes. •Add water n cook for 5..7 minutes. Switch off the gas. Done. Serve with any accompaniments of your choice. Here I have served it with Idiappam. बटाट्याचे सॉंग हा एक कोकणी पद्धतीचा भाजी प्रकार आहे. प्रत्येक घरी करायची थोडी फार वेगळी पद्धत आहे. आम्ही


#RenuRasoi #Idiappam This is the famous dish from Kerala which I tried to make at home, n turned out very yummy n tasty. I have used Rice flour to make it quickly... Ingredients... •Rice Flour 2 Cups •Water 2 Cups •Salt 1/2 tsp •Oil 2 tsp •Oil for greasing Method... •Take water in a pan , add salt n 2 tsp Oil. •Let it boil. •Switch off the gas. •Add slowly Rice Flour n mix properly. •Cover immediately with the lid. •After 15 minutes take all the flour in a big plate, mash it by the hands using little water in a soft dough. •Steam the water in a big pan. •Grease the Idli plates. •Put the dough in a Sev mould, make a sev in each Idli mould. •Let it steam for 10 minutes. Done . Serve it with Sweet Coconut Milk, Potato song, Sambar, Coconut oil n Pickle... Here I have served it with Potato Song. For Recipe of Potato song, see the following link... रेणूरसोई तांदूळ शेवई ह्याला केरळी लोक इडिअप्पम असे म्हणतात.